Recovering From A Workplace Injury: 3 Tips For Surviving While You Appeal Your Worker's Compensation Denial
Dealing with a work-related injury is hard enough without the insurance company acting like you are just trying to get out of work. After all, you love your job and can't wait to be finished with your medical treatment and recovery. Now, you face a new roadblock since you just found out that your employer's insurance is denying your workers compensation claim. As you work on the next phase of your appeal, use these tips to minimize the financial and emotional stress this places on your household.
Find Out Why Your Case Was Denied
Sometimes, a workers compensation claim will be denied over something minor such as a missing piece of paperwork. Before you get too upset, simply contact the insurance company to find out if there is something that you can do now. For instance, you may need to document a portion of your medical care or provide proof of a diagnosis. Submitting your required information could be all it takes to renew your claim.
Prioritize Your Health Care
Being out of work has already likely put some pressure on your finances. Now, you are worried about facing an even lengthier wait before you are compensated for your injury. Start now by scaling back your spending in areas where you have a little room such as your entertainment costs. While it might be tempting to skip your next therapy session or make do with over the counter medication, you should never skimp on your health care during recovery. Remember that you should be reimbursed for a large portion of your medical costs once this ordeal is over, and taking care of yourself now allows you the best chances of being able to resume your career.
Work With a Qualified Attorney
After a denial, filing your appeal can be tricky. It is also time-consuming to constantly submit requested paperwork and draft legal appeals. Reduce the stress on yourself by working with a competent workers compensation attorney who knows the laws in your area. Once they have the facts surrounding your case, they may be able to identify additional details that bolster your chances at receiving the full amount of compensation of which you are owed.
Employers are required to provide workers compensation coverage, but that doesn't mean that it is always easy to get what is owed. By knowing your rights and working with an attorney who will make sure they are upheld, you can emerge from this trying time financially and physically strong.